:: Final Exam Status:Over ::
26th may 2008,as the clock stroke 5:30pm,the invigilator said "corrrosion paper,u may leave the hall" tetiba the guys was like wooho~~~yeah...the final is over...
so wat did i do for the past few days???hmmm...tdo,lepak mapley,tdolepak mapley lg,bertelo,bertelo n some more bertelo...hahahaha...smlm jer duk perabih duit...went bowling with the #kakiphoto guys...den we went to get some McD smbil men poker till 3am baru nk blk...hahaha...smpi2 stret tdo n nie baru bgn...byk tul benda lagha aku wat...but throughout the days,there was sumthin troubling me....hmm....sumthing that i shud have done n also shud have finish but yet have started...my FYP1.....
FYP1 interim report status.............. 0%
FYP1 presentation preparation....... 0%
due???this friday......argh....dh2....siap post blog start wat FYP....rumate dh bising....hahahaha...
so,till my next post,
chow praya~~