Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
it's the end of May n rata2 bersepah org wat weddings,rata2 nmpk budak2,jalanraya makin sesak...i was a bit wondering apsal tetiba aite??n den i juz got the answer since my all week empty house sudah penuh ngan my parents n adek beradek (excluding my lil bro)...cuti sekolah dh wonder la meriah semacam...
di kala musim2 begini lah,para2 photografer mula bz n yg pro x cukup tangan nk handle wedding..maka,di passing la job2 tersebut kepada anak2 buah,a few days back i got a msg from a nu fren..dd (read:didi) texted me..a bit surprise since xder pun no dier n pernah jmpe skali jer..ghuper2 nyer nk mintak tolong tag her on a wedding...sbb kan xder xtvt sgt,aku pun on jer la...
the wedding was held dis morning (read:ari ahad) in gombak...the bride n groom; noor n nazar...jenis wedding,kg style n mmg agak syiok...had fun tagging dd n wan (kawan dd) coz meriah n bley masuk la nk borak...if the two of u r reading dis,u guys r kewl...kalo ader paper event nk snap2,jgn luper aku eh?
sini aku preview sket the pict i took..l8r i'll post one in my p-blog...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
it's already have been two weeks since aku blk from my holiday kat mls utk apdet tu,yg nk tahu n tgk gambar,bley bukak album photo aku kat FB ye...nnt2 i'll update bout my trip...
baru abes tgk game barca manU...not really a Barca fan but bukan sbb hate manU,juz xnk derang menang...std la,manusia penuh ngan hasad dengki...hahaha...but barca deserved the i not rite devils??
actually,my post today is a tribute to some of whom i consider as my besties...the May yeh,didi,ieja n uena,epy burfday y'all...may your life goes the way u guys aim it...n moga panjang umur~
sori la uena,gambar lama jer ader...huhu...adiah nnt post eh =p
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
by the time u guys read this post,most probably i'll be at the airport already waiting for my 10:05am flight...where will i be heading??
yes...this will be a 10 days vacation meeting friends that are still studying there..visiting places but the sole (previous) niat i want to go there is to visit anfield...hope wil go there there this friday...
b4 anyone mengharap,aku trus terang katakan yg bajet ku xbesar n suviniers is an option...kalo nk kre,ramai i want to please but money ain't on my,jgn la terlalu harapkan paper since aku pun xsure sempat idak membeli belah...huhu...
bcoz tu dlm previous post aku bitau yg aku xkn post for a while...hahaha...but then,probably aku akan update dlm facebook pictures n abes kuat kat P-log
Monday, May 4, 2009
a lot fun things happen since my last post...but den too lazy too write it,here goes the simplest way...
-Mahsuri Theatre at Istana Budaya with zainur n her cousins..thanx jenur for the free tix..
-ieja's doa selamat
-futsal with freestyles
-shopping with bam and gek
n ntah ler...xigt dh pun..hahaha~
picts aku ader post kat FB aku...nk tgk gi la lawat sana eh..tahap kemalasan aku skang smpi mls nk link kan words2 dh...hahaha~
so,i think dis will be my last post for the next 2 weeks kot..goin sumwhere..
Monday, April 27, 2009
waaaa....mmg sgt jarang aku update skang...eventhou nothing much to do,still mls nk update...really,malas!!hahaha~
byk jd since my last update....F1,euphonious'09,karok,macam2 la...but then,too much pict if wanna update all of juz wanna share my lonely experience yesterday..
as my FB status went on,i did a Sunday Movie Marathon..a trilogy of the extended version of Lord Of The Rings,in HD!! and it sure was a blast...pasang PC on a 32"LCD tv,slack xder sound system yg best dh cukup puas kot duduk selama 11jam(3+4+4)...
hurmm...arinie pun actually mls nk,wanna tell that in 8 more days,i'm off bercuti...wuhu~~sgt x sabar...n one more thing is dat i have a nu blog...or is it more to p-log(read:pict blog),who noes...we'll see..
Friday, April 3, 2009
yeah...she's eyes..chick bone implant,a bit of blusher,n she's back!!!
baby mica's back!!walaupun lari sket the color,tp xsegan sgt la nk bwk bergerak...huhu~~
n luse
Thursday, April 2, 2009
waaa...havnt got the chance to tell u guys wat a blast i had last week...aside from the boring DCIM show,Earth Hour,Sipi's Birthday and FESENI'09 at UM made my week...byk btul xtvt lately...
but sumer nk cter xder mood sudah..sbb:
1- dh lama so cam dh basi
2- xcident
3- prank
fest was the xcident..yurp...seekor angsa (read: unser) tanpa segan silu membuka pintu sewaktu aku lalu sebelah dier..n baby mica yg teruja stret gi sodok pintu tu n ini la hasilnyer:
fest time xcident ngan baby mica...n even more fucked up,i juz went to wash the car 5mins b4 the incident after months x membasuh..*sigh*
seb bek la "akak" tu my dad's used to be xder la cuak sgt dier mahupun aku n dier setelkan sumer dh gi amik baby mica..ketuk,checked;tukar lampu:checked;cat balik,unchecked...y?bengkel dier yg nun jauh atas lg dr SMAPK tu xdpt bancuh kaler keter aku yg agak menarik dgn pasrah bwk la blk kete yg kurang sempurna tu..jmpe kedai yg bley cat,200rm catnyer...hahaha..pandai2 la "akak" tu pk camner nk byr...
den the prank...tgh lepak2 ngan taqef n lia dis eve,got a call dat a fren was sick..suh gi tgk coz cam teruk..aku pun byr n nk gerak lg,truk sgt bunyi nyer...rushing gak aku ke tpt yg lebih kurang 2-3km (or lebih?) ke tpt nyer...smpi hampir xcident lg skali gak la...nk2 smpi jer skali april fool lak...guarauan yg hampir membawa maut...kurang gemar walaupun niat dier sekadar bergurau..ilang mood,xsinggah lalu blk umah trus....
now,juz got back from late dinner with dad at Hassan's Sidewalk Cafe at seksyen 3 tambahan...of all my life,it was the most exclusive mapley i ave ever went..from pizzas,italian food,chinese n mcm2 fus la ader...abes grand dh mkn ngan kyg,sedikit rasa ok,barulah bley menulis walaupun rase cam kucar kacir gler aku menulis nie...sori la kalo x phm bahasa aku...hahaha...
Friday, March 20, 2009
wat a week to treasure..i wanna write this post solely to make a note to myself of what a wonderfull week i had...
more picts
l8r that eve,gi Kelana Jaya to meet up with pure n najmie...changed our uniforms and went to Baywatch @Dataran Prima..ManU vs TheREDS...n it was the most exciting nyte ever...we (TheREDS) won...not an ordinary victory,but a triumph in trashing the scums with a result of 1-4...hahaha..was i loud dat nyte..ilang suara siap da next was priceless...
Istana Budaya:
persuaded by Faiq,i joined him,umi,fate n cipi to watch a theatre,for the first time..and it costed me a dough..but then i had a great experience...i was always like "theatre,bapak buhsan" or "bek gi tgk muvi"..but i was wrong..the props,the choreographing,the score,the acting,the guest performer (Dato' Siti Nurhaliza) and the orchest,all of them did a great job entertaining me...dh la duk abes depan,the actors face expression was so real...seriously,Sirah Junjungan is THE type of theatre u must watch..u'll remember the path our Rasulullah S.A.W. took..
This morning,i woke up as early as 630am to go to Putrajaya for the 1st Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009...the balloon were enourmous (xpernah tgk real one close-up) and beuatiful (aper perkataan len yg xnmpk girly eh?)...walaupun gi sorang2,i had fun taking pictures around the departing field..
so,that wraps up my past seven days..really had fun..hope more fun to come...
p/s: sialan kamu..nnt org kata aku mahu publisiti murahan...tggu kamu...
Friday, March 6, 2009
akhirnye,siap gak my first batch of collage...thanx to the promotion at one of this print service shop
(Fotorex @PJ),25cent per dgitaal print is really cheap...hasel nye???
p/s:went to UTP last wednesday,sori x sempat jmpe sesiapa...huhu~
Monday, March 2, 2009
2months already n the muvis were superb...byk dh tgk n more to be are my wishlist of muvis i HAVE to watch at the cinemas...
F&F4 - Xmen Origins - Terminator Salvation - Transformers Revenge of the Fallen - Ice Age 3 - Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - GI Joe
so,anyone feeling like treating me for a platinum class??
p/s:items for garage sales ader lg tu...cepat2~~
Sunday, February 22, 2009
udah2 wif all da depress and all...readers,today i'm doing a garage sale..but the stuff dat i will display aren't for any enquiries,u can directly contact the seller...juz helping out a fren to forget her past...
22KT Gold Hand-Sculpted Bear - RM50
Love Medal - RM15::Love Necklace - RM15
Both for RM25
Playboy Keychain - RM7::Cat Necklace - RM5
Surfer Paradise Magnet Button - Rm2 each all for rm5::Australia Magnet - RM3
Koala - RM1::Bear Bride - RM5
Earing&Necklace - RM15::Gift Soap - RM10
Tweety - RM7
Movie World Star - RM10::Bugs Bunny Magnet(heavy) - RM10::both for RM18
Bear Frame - RM5
Perth Keychain - RM1::Cat Frame - RM5
Belt - RM10
Cards - RM1 each
Solid Wood Frame (glass) - RM15
Asquith&Somerset Lavender Luxury Gift Collection - RM50::Guess Purse - RM125
Both for RM150
Cooler Bag - RM5
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
nope,i'm not engaged yet..i wish i am...dis is juz a post for my next post about my first OP at an engagement ceremony of a std1 friend of mine...skang xpat la...pict baru upload masuk kom...tgk pun blum...n sgt a futsal game pasnie...
b4 the event's picts,here's my fest toy shot...thanx to amiruddin (h0mmIEs 09) for lending me ur gundam...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
haha...sori for the rude title...juz can't think of any word describing this wto friend of mine....reez n naz or guys n gals in utp known them as payeh n apam...hahaha..bukan aku pggl derang gitu eh...
last night derang smpi umah aku n mengecahkan suasana umah...derang nie terlalu ceria la bler berdua...mesra semacam je...takut gak derang tdo kang nnt derang....err....xnk pk...wkaakaka.....kami ke BBB TomYam, like i usually take my utp friends to have dinner...den kami ke alamanda gak dowh karok kat alamanda...touch skrin siap!!!hahaha...sronok pilih lagu lg dr nyanyi...
n td yg bajet nk breakfast x jd sbb lewat bgn...igt nk brunch x jd jugak sbb bertelo jer duk baring2 lg masing...we end up aving lunch jer kat D'Limau Nipis....after lunch derang balik n umah aku kembali sepi xder org...haih...
aku bosan actually,tu yg merapu2 nie....nk reply tag yg tgh berleluasa di facebook entitled "duapuluhlimafaktarawaktentangdirikamu" tu mmg mls la...sori those who tagged me...not the replyin type of person la...mebi bler terdetik nk reply tu,tau la korunk...
b4 aku tekan button publish post,i wanna help a fren of mine with a survey...juz drop ur idea in my comment box...nurul aimi: aku tgh buat survey
nurul aimi: kalo ade medicl stud nk wat research kt ko
nurul aimi: ko nk tajuk ape yg bes?
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
lately,malaysia undergone an attack from aedes where people got sick...either the denggi caused them denggi or chikunkunya...i dun really now bout this sickness or desease some calls it..the thing i noe bout it is dat the denggi symptoms are having fever n x larat giler babi but then there's a cure...chikunkunya pulak,sendi2 sengal gler n xder specific cureness for it...
apsal aku cter pasal nie??coz it's my third day being an RA at UKM and ave i assist in the research???nope...y??coz DrTaib (my sv or the lecturer with the research) is out sick...the previous two days was still ok la...eventhou no guide,still bley la bace aper patut n amik tau stuff bout the arinie mmg buhsan as i dunno wat to do sbb xder org len tau bout the project except DrTaib..pangkal ujung the project dier je i decided to be home today so bley wat benda len sambil do my readings...
hope he'll get well tomorrow sbb xske mkn gaji buta tuli...sket2 xper lg...buhsan seyh....
p/s: pict not related to the post... =p
Saturday, January 31, 2009
afterstudentlife is quite boring,unless u already got a, i've been sitting here in fron tof my pc most of the time...donloding stuff,chat n a nu cyberhobby,FACEBOOKing...n like it's fuckin addictive..the first thing that i do when i woke up is open my FB n update all the org x btul dh rase duk men FB nie thanks to the KKBians of course yg x reti2 nk berenti main...hahaha...
other than dat,byk hangout with friends...h0mmIEs,#TTP n KKBians...kalo ngan h0mmIEs of cos la area bangi cukup dh...n fareez maju is da port...den kekadang turun KL meet up ngan #TTP yg ramai still menganggur (like me) n xberduit sgt nk melepak...hahaha....den with KKBians yg agak lama dh x jmpe...siap gi berkelah lg kat Ulu Rening...more bout it dlm cipi nyer blog....
hurmm...xder dh sgt benda nk update...just dat i'll be ere in bangi most of the time sbb dis monday insyaAllah start with my RA job at widh me luck...
p/s:kepada mimpi buruk anda,aku sudah update,kamu bila pula??
p/s/s:thanx apam n payeh for the souvenirs from Europe