had a chat with sum frens back den...terigt one crazy fantasy i think never had a malaysian did...while sumer org gler2 nk wat wedding kat hotel 5 star,dewan sri indon,palace golden horse n such....den ader yg nk wat sederhana kat umah,rewang yg aku rase dh makin lupus dimakan zaman,tetiba terasa nk wat keje wedding fantasy is...
hahahaha...sounds really stupid but here's the catch...slalu time ramadhan people goes to have their berbuka at a mekdi's wat cam tu senang per...cater mekdi during ur wedding...even better wat jer wedding kat mekdi....buffet western for all....air bley refill,siap bergas lg air,xmain la sirap2 or bandung nie kn....den xder nk basuh pinggan as sumer pun mkn in wraps....untung2 bley masuk malaysian books of records lg...hahahha...
tp yg paling xley blah try imagine me bersanding berapitkan mamat bawah nie.....
aku dh stat karut gler suboh2 nie...
so,till my next post,
chow praya~~
8 critics:
The title is urm..lets just say it can be urm...I dont know how to express it in words but the point is it can lead to a very twisted meaning of itself. Lol
serius menarik. aku sekadar menanti kad jemputan dari ko. sendiri nk wat, tak kot~ haha
kalau ko buat, ko memang terpaling amat cool dan awesome sekali....title tu..biasa je??
Kalah wedding celeb2 Hollywood?
Adoi kalau kau buat, memang gempak lahhhh seyy.
Theme colour dah macam bendera Malaysia dah. Anytime je tuh.
Sile2. Aku sokong kawan.
Tu je.
kalo ko buat kat mcD, ko org 1st kat mesia~
kalau ko buat tak pat a nk kawen ngn ko.muahahahahahahahahah.joke2.okayh2 kalo ko buat lemme know the dress code,kayh?takot ter overdressed:P err,i wonder are the pengantin going to dress up and make up like the old Mcdonald?sgt suka ohhhh walapon rambut dan hidung merah kelihatan keji;)
aku tak sangke ramai org suke idea kau
tapi kalau btol ko wat kat mcd, sori ye kalau aku tak dtg huhu
hahaha..gile nice idea. xpenah org wat lg ni..xpe2, najmi xmo dtg..i dtg. hahaha:D
best2 dpt makan mcD free... dabel spicy mc chicken 1!!!
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