"Dance is like dreaming with your feet"
if i remember correctly,the first dance move i ever liked was when i watched Usher - Yeah music video..the vid gave me goosebumps n whenever i have goosebumps while watching a performance,sure hell the perf was demm good..
-Constanzejuz got back outing with the boys then watched JabbaWockeeZ n i was like "WTF"...seriously if u guys xpernah tgk derang,U AVE 2...where??youtube pun buley..but in Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew season 1, they r super awesome..
actually i've seen their performance b4 tonyte in Step Up 2 but then never knew bout em...but now im like addicted in finding their videos in the tube..they really rock...and from the Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew, a must watch is their performance on Apologize in episode 1 and Red Pill in episode 7 which is their winning dance...
hey,i dunno how to dance but then i really love to see people dance...this is a video tributing all dance lovers in the world...enjoy~
so,till my next post,
chow praya~~
p/s:i compiled some of jabba's vids...juz click here n enjoy~
3 critics:
so u like that kind of dance yeah.. a lil bit of break dance + a lil bit of hip hop + a lil bit of i-dunno-wuts-it-called.
jaba nie x salah aku
dicungkil bakat dr
AGT (America Got Talent Season 2/3)
performance masa pertandingan tuh
cambest gak..
try la carik. hf.
xcite pon...
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