waaaa....mmg sgt jarang aku update skang...eventhou nothing much to do,still mls nk update...really,malas!!hahaha~
byk jd since my last update....F1,euphonious'09,karok,macam2 la...but then,too much pict if wanna update all of em..so juz wanna share my lonely experience yesterday..
as my FB status went on,i did a Sunday Movie Marathon..a trilogy of the extended version of Lord Of The Rings,in HD!! and it sure was a blast...pasang PC on a 32"LCD tv,slack xder sound system yg best jer...tp dh cukup puas kot duduk selama 11jam(3+4+4)...hurmm...arinie pun actually mls nk update..so,wanna tell that in 8 more days,i'm off bercuti...wuhu~~sgt x sabar...n one more thing is dat i have a nu blog...or is it more to p-log(read:pict blog),who noes...we'll see..
7 critics:
ok dah update
haha. man dah menyahut seruan wordpress. gud2. mari kita bertukar2 link.
hahaha...tu la ieja,lama sgt x update nyer...huhu~
m,saje rase cam semak sgt lak BS aku nie ngan gambar...so,letak la kat setempat selain flickr...hehe~
agak ah, aku dah bahagikan dua. wordpress utk letak a bunch of gambar, kat bs lak byk on wording n aku letak seketul je gambar kire sneak peek utk wordpress la.
oi nyusahkan org nak baca byk2 blog
haha...xyah bace mie...xder benda menarik pun situ...
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