WWFF 1st Episode
today,im thinkin of writing somethin new...this WWFF is my first episode...WWFF is walk-walk finding food or in malay is Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan....haha...buhsan seyh...asyik typical cter pasal daily life jer...once in a while giving information to others isn't a crime right??but don't expect high from me coz everybody have their own taste bud and delicious is sumthin subjective right??so,for today's episode,let us go to A place where they serve the best soup in town...located at Jalan Semenyih, Restoran Sup Power Ali serves the best soup i have ever tasted...bukan dier serve sup biasa2 r...mamak nyer sup...with all the herbs n potato penyek baik nyer,mmg sedap r...then it varies...kambing,daging,ayam,burung puyuh n etc...mmg pelbagai gler....n the price,not that very high for me...cam td,two bowls of sup kambing,a bowl of chicken soup,dua pinggan roti,milo ais,sirap n a glas of tea costed me rm13.80...dunno la korunk camner but bg aku dh murah dh nie...berbaloi ngan rase dier yg umph....
eh,pendek lak cter nie...mebi baru pas futsal...kepala weng sket...hahah...so mebi next episode i'll recommend another place to eat...
so,till my next post;
chow praya~~