Egging Weekends
egging or in da malay word,bertelo...yurp...minggu yg bertelo bakk...lots of esemens,project n also presentation tp duk bertelo jer...buat xtvt2 yg meaningless kot for a student life...haha..but yet,enjoyed coz dpt merapatkan lg ukhwah among frens...for da fest time lepas 3 weeks kot,akhirnye dpt gak ke tmn maju utk menikmati minum petang bersama rakan2...but wasnt satisfying enuff coz my fav menu (air kelapa n goreng pisang) dh abes...deym..dpt lecikang ngan char kuew tiau pun jd laaa...den at nyte went out to starbucks melayan mmber yg dh gigil katenyer x dpt minum starbucks dat addictive???cam isap rokok lak...hahaha...yg enjoy nyer melayan pompuan2 nie bergossip la...dh la bergossip,berebut aku lak tu...hahahaha...juz kiddin gurls...
after dat stret went for The REDS match against boro...n we won...nice hattrick from torres...ur da man...but pity for arsenal coz lost eduardo in the 3rd minute due to a blow from birm's captain..deym u...dun u noe how to play football???sian mmber tu patah kaki...dh mcm cisse lak dh...kompem masuk besi r tu...
'n thanx to nas coz sudi teman aku gi snappin photos at the pavillion smlm...nice shots of the mosque...smpi 3 pagi gak jejalan...huhu...woke up dis morning n got a msg from a fren..yeah....esan cr8ed a blog...hahaha....will be visiting ur blog always dun forget to update...
mmm....xtau dh nk merapu aper dh nie..igt nk wat keje sket r...
so,till my next post,
chow praya~~
2 critics:
dot dot dot melepak x ajak aku. kalau x leh tambah korum perebut kau. boleh? haha!
bley2...lenkali join la merebut eh???bley tgk cat fights...hahahaha~
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